Tagged: IW Group


Campaign to combat hate against Asian-Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic: WashTheHate.com Role at IW Group: Content Direction | Art Direction | Video Direction | Editing | GFX   During the start of 2020, when COVID-19 began to spread...

McCafé Surprise Holiday Party for Wong Fu

Wong Fu’s Surprise Holiday Party for McDonald’s McCafe’s new seasonal products. Role at IW Group: Scriptwriting | Production | Video Co-Direction | Art Direction Partners: Wong Fu Productions | AJ Rafael | Cathy Nguyen Banaag | Mike Bow | Megan Lee | Kirstin Leigh...

McDonald’s x Atomic Mari Capsule Collection

McDonald’s and Atomic Mari collaboration to create a space-inspired streetwear collection to celebrate STEM, one of Mari’s passions. Role at IW Group: Clothing/Accessories Design | Package Desing | Art Direction | Co-Direction | Co-Edit | GFX...